Monday, 20 September 2010

1 year!!!!


I was just checking the blog history and to my surprise, it has been 1 year since I started using this blog with a total of less then 40 post. :D

That's all, just want to let you(if anyone) know. :)

I Am MOVEing

Yo to anyone (if anyone) who visit this more-or-less crap blog. :)

Tis been a month since I posted, wow. Well, nothing's changed and the BB Gundam I'm doing is still not done since I last posted about it. Anyways, Playstation Move came out last week and bought the Move Started Pack, an extra Move Controller and the Nav Controller.

Pretty awesome stuff, as many have mentioned in the interwebz, it's really accurate. Haven't used the MavCon yet though. Also, my Sports Champions game just came in from the mail. Damn Argos didn't deliver it to me last Friday, wont ever buy a game from them again unless I go to their store directly.

And that's it for now. Got games to play, bed to sleep on, work to attend to, etc, etc, etc....